Awesome show last night. Way too much fun. If they phone rang at all I was distracted so I'm sorry that I didn't answer. We're also currently encouraging WXCI to keep a link to this blog available at
WXCI.Org. The new website they're working on looks great.. if only there were a links section!
The show sounded somethin' like this.....
Spacemen 3 "Suicide (Live)"
Brian Eno "St. Elmo's Fire"
Fang "The Money Will Roll Right In"
Charles Bronson "They Should Legalize Drugs So You Can Hurry Up And Fucking Die"
Charles Bronson "So What If I Puked Up McDonalds"
Charles Bronson "Rich Crusties Shall Pay"
Charles Bronson "Drunk Punks Is Hippies"
Merchandise "In The Dark"
Wolf Haley "Leather Head"
No Age "Chem Trails"
Andrew WK "Not Going To Bed"
Boris & Michio Harihara "You Laughed Like A Water Mark"
Ariel Pink "One More Time"
Witch "Black Saint"
Electric Wizard "Black Saint"
Beck "Sweet Sunshine"
Dowcet "O1"
Merchandise "I Get Lost"
My Bloody Valentine "Loomer"
Husker Du "The Tooth Fairy And The Princess"
Mary Kate And Ashley Olson "Gimme Pizza Slow"
Lowt Ide "Would You Guys Mind Not Playing Anymore Songs"
Beak> "Ham Green"
Fang "Destroy The Handicapped"
Eyehategod "Serving Time In The Middle Of Nowhere"
Mutation "Cannibalistic Horror"
Merchandise "Worthless Apology"
Beak> "The Cornubia"
Can "Peking O"
And then we played 12 or 13 songs from Ciccone Youth's "The Whitey Album"